If you use a reputable 24/7 answering service, they can pick up the phone whenever anyone calls your company so you aren’t missing out on customers.
If the customer is king, then communication with your customers is just as important. Maintaining accessible and consistent communication channels with your customers is important, but you can’t always answer calls that are outside of your regular work hours.
So many customer calls come in after hours or on weekends. And while it may not seem like a huge loss, failing to pick up when you call you might contribute to losing customers. If they feel like they have an emergency, they want to get ahold of you. So what are you to do? Invest in 24/7 answering services. 24/7 answering services help your customers feel heard, which will lead to them being more satisfied and more sales being made.
Stop Missing Calls
The obvious benefit of using 24/7 answering services is that you won’t miss any more calls. It’s a huge source of customer frustration and dissatisfaction, so taking steps to alleviate the problem will be noticed. If you use a reputable 24/7 answering service, they can pick up the phone whenever anyone calls your company so you aren’t missing out on customers.
If no one has the expertise to deal with the problem on the spot, they can take note of the request, give them whatever information they need in the short term, or even take action to secure a sale. Plus, if you know your customers tend to have some frequently asked questions, it’s easy to get everyone on the same page so those questions get answered.
Make Your Customers Happy
If customers are able to have their issues resolved right when they want them resolved, they’re more likely to be satisfied. It’s as simple as that. It might seem unfair at times: after all, you have listed hours online, so customers should know when you’re available, right? Think of it from the customer’s perspective though. They’re busy, too, and have busy professional and personal lives. By meeting them where they’re at and being available 24/7, they’ll be grateful.
It can’t be understated how much customer satisfaction matters. The happier they are, the more sales you’ll make overall, the higher your customer retention rate will be, and your business will have a better foundation overall.
You Can Save Money
Compared to other options like hiring enough staff to meet customer needs, you can actually save money with an answering service. A full-time receptionist is going to cost you several thousands of dollars and finding one that’s available outside of your regularly scheduled hours might give you an extra thing to manage that you’d rather not deal with. Instead, outsourcing this to a call service costs a few dollars per call at most and is flexible enough that you won’t need to micromanage it.
Experience the Benefits of Answering Services from TeleRep
Whether you need help with an inbound call center or an outbound call center, TeleRep is here to help. If you still have more questions, our trained professionals are ready to answer them. We know how important customer feedback is to you and your business, so let them know that you care with an answering service. To learn how TeleRep can help you today, visit us online or give us a call at 1-800-638-2000. To keep up with our work and to see what we have been up to, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.