Here are three of the most common of these misconceptions about customer service.
When it comes to running a successful business, customer service can often make or break your level of growth. But there is so much information on what businesses should and shouldn’t do to provide quality customer service that it can be tricky to spot the difference between helpful advice and popular misconception. Here are three of the most common of these misconceptions about customer service.
Customer Service is a No-Brainer
From the outside perspective of a customer, it might be easy to take good customer service for granted as simply being civil to people. But the truth is that it takes a lot of work to train an entire business to deliver quality customer service. Good customer service takes intentionality as well. You need to decide how you want to represent your business to your customers. Some businesses take a casual and down to earth approach when interacting with customers while others like to stay very formal and professional. The point is that good customer service is so much more than just being nice, and once you have a plan, you will be able to start improving your customer relationships.
Nothing Can Be Done About Unhappy Customers
It’s a fact that every business will have to deal with difficult customers. Even when you are doing your best, everything is running smoothly, and you have overwhelmingly great reviews, there is still the chance that somebody might be having a bad day and interpret their experience with your business as a negative one. The good news is that you don’t have to just accept unhappy customers as something you can’t do anything about. Through customer service, you can go above and beyond to reach out to difficult customers and change their perspective of your business. If a customer complains about you online, you can respond by offering to fix their issue. And if you get an angry phone call, then good customer service skills will help you talk down the customer and help them work through the problem they have with your business. Some of the most loyal customers you can have are those who started out unhappy but saw how you fixed their problem.
Price Matters More than Customers Service
The biggest myth of customer service is that people ultimately don’t care as long as the price is low enough. There are many penny-pinchers who like to sacrifice quality for price, but this doesn’t apply to everyone. While “you get what you pay for” is true in some sense, the way a business treats people is an intangible that customers appreciate more than they realize. With good customer service comes a level of trust. A business that handles their customers in a rude or dismissive manner won’t be able to make up for it in price because people will mistrust the quality of what that business offers. But even a frugal person will be willing to spend more for a product or service if they feel that they can trust the business. Regardless of where your business falls on the price spectrum, it’s more than worth it to invest in honing your customer relationship management skills.
Contact TeleRep Today!
If you are ready to install a call center service for your business, TeleRep is here to help. If you still have more questions, our trained professionals are ready to answer them. We know how important customer feedback is to you and your business, so let them know that you care with an answering service. To learn how TeleRep can help you today, visit us online or give us a call at 1-800-638-2000. To keep up with our work and to see what we have been up to, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.