Nationwide Call Center & Answering Service Since 1976

The Biggest Myths of Customer Service

Providing good customer service is no easy task, so let’s begin with addressing some of the myths associated with it!

There seem to be so many rules and regulations based around customer service. With so many do’s and don’ts, how do we even know where to begin with giving good customer service? Let’s start with what isn’t true when dealing with the public. Here are some of the biggest myths of customer service.

Good Customer Service is Common Sense

Providing good customer service is no easy task, and the definition of “good” varies depending on the business. It takes a lot of trial and error to figure out what tactics work best for you when working with the public. It requires a strong ability to adapt to different situations in a very short period of time, so don’t get discouraged if it takes some time to get the hang of it. Businesses should also be sure to train their employees to provide the customer service that they would like for their specific place of business. Just because Chick Fil A responds to all of their guests with “My pleasure” does not mean that every other business needs to follow suit.

Unhappy Customers are Just Part of Business

While there will always be a few difficult or upset customers when running a business, it does not have to remain that way. In fact, if you turn someone’s bad experience into a good one, it may make them even more likely to be loyal to your company. If the situation is handled correctly, you can change the mind of an unhappy customer. Of course, there will always be some who will just never come back or bring their complaints to you, in which case, there isn’t much to be done about it.

Customers Prefer Low Prices Over Good Service

Price is always going to be a factor when it comes to making a final decision on which products to purchase. However, there are a good amount of people that will pay for good service. This means that if you provide great customer service where the competition didn’t, a customer may be willing to pay more for your product just because of the difference in customer service. This also increases customer loyalty and will keep them coming back.

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TeleRep knows how important live chat, call center services, and alarm monitoring are to your business. We are well known for our professionalism and excellent customer service when dealing with your valued customers. Let your customers know you care, right now, with live chat services. To learn how TeleRep can help set your business apart, contact us online or give us a call at 1-800-638-2000. To see more examples of what we’ve done, follow us on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.


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