Whether you are looking for a call center or an answering service, TeleRep has all the tools you need!
While some people may use call center and answering service interchangeably, there are actually two separate things. If you are looking for a telephone service for your business, it is important to know which one you need. Here are the differences between a call center and an answering service so that you can know which is best for your business.
Call Center
One of the key defining factors of a call center is the fact that they deal with a high volume of calls at one time. For this reason, they can’t really perform clerical or receptionist duties. Businesses use call centers to help them take orders as well as telemarket products. Call centers will also handle customer complaints and things like tech support and billing problems depending on the company they are working for. Call centers collect information into a database and send the information to existing clients. Call times will likely be longer with a call center since they deal with more complex issues. On average, conversations range from 4-5 minutes but it is typical for them to sometimes last for over 15 minutes.
Answering Service
Unlike a call center, an answering service is typically smaller and requires less callers. Answering services tend to be more personal and focused on the individual rather than reaching out to a large group. These services are often used to act as a receptionist, commonly used for doctors offices, lawyers offices, and health care facilities. They can transfer calls, take messages, provide basic company information, and help schedule appointments. Calls are typically brief with an answering service because they are only providing basic information to customers and clients. You can think of an answering service as a virtual receptionist for your business.
Contact TeleRep Today for Your Call Center or Answering Services!
If you have more questions on how to provide the best customer service to your clients, look no further than TeleRep. Our great assets like live chat, call center services, and alarm monitoring set us apart from the rest. Visit us online or call us at 1-800-638-2000. We want to help you and answer all your questions! To see examples of our work and to keep up with everything we are doing, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.