A few weeks back, we suggested that one of the most desired qualities for a call center representative to have is excellent communication ability. This probably didn’t come as a surprise. After all, communicating makes up the bulk of the work they have to do. Many people are under the impression that communication skills are something you either have or you don’t. But with a little patience, we believe that anyone can be a great communicator. Here are a few communication tips for call center representatives.

For call center workers, communicative ability is everything. Here are some communication tips.
Start Strong
You’ve probably heard it said before: first impressions are everything. While this isn’t completely true, there’s no denying that a good first impression can really help get a phone call off on the right foot.
Start off not by introducing yourself, but by asking the name of the individual you are speaking to. Consider starting out the conversation with some variant of the phrase, “With whom do I have the pleasure of assisting today?”
Once this is done, make a note of their name and be sure to consistently refer to them by that name throughout the course of the phone call. This can go a long way toward helping you to personalize your conversation as a call center representative.
Listen, Listen, Listen!
When most people think of communication, they think of speaking. Coherently explaining one’s own thoughts is undoubtedly a component of effective communication. But that’s only half the battle. Listening is just as important.
If you don’t understand exactly what the individual on the other end of the line is saying, you won’t be able to help them. Additionally, there are even scenarios in which people call into a call center precisely because they want to be heard—not for anything else.
Empathy is one of the foundational pillars of great customer service. It’s important not just to grasp not only what the individual on the other end of the end is saying, but also why the matters at hand is important to them.
This is especially important in the event of an escalation. Before long, you will have to handle a phone call from a disgruntled caller. In these scenarios, it’s important to emphasize to the caller that you understand why they are upset. It’s an opportunity to let them know not only that they are being heard, but that they are being understood.
Contact TeleRep Today!
If you are ready to install a call center service for your business, TeleRep is here to help. If you still have more questions, our trained professionals are ready to answer them. We know how important customer feedback is to you and your business, so let them know that you care with an answering service. To learn how TeleRep can help you today, visit us online or give us a call at 1-800-638-2000. To keep up with our work and to see what we have been up to, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.