Never miss a single potential customer with an after hours answering service!
If you don’t have an after hours answering service set up, and even if you have an answering machine, you could be missing a phenomenal number of potential customers without even knowing it. A recent study showed that an amazing 80% of callers, even to medical practices or businesses, do not leave voicemail messages. Leaving your business number unattended overnight can mean leaving 80% of the people who call your business outside of your opening hours in the dark. Here are some of the major benefits of an after hours answering service for your business.
Customers Feel Valued
You rely on your customers to keep your business thriving, so go the extra mile to show them that you care by offering an after hours answering service. Instead of getting an answering machine or even worse, a full answering machine that can’t take any more messages, they’ll get a real person who can address their concerns or give them assistance. Your customers will feel valued as a result and be more likely to give you business.
Customers Love the Personal Touch
Let’s face it, we are all used to talking to machines instead of people. An after hours answering service will surprise your customers with the added personal touch and investment in their comfort. They won’t need to pay attention to the list of numbers to press the right one and leave a message. They won’t need to struggle to get the voice recognition to understand what they’re saying. Instead, they find a friendly and helpful human on the other end.
Customers Love Skipping Voicemail
Just like we said earlier, most people don’t leave a voicemail anyways, and an after hours answering service can essentially eliminate your need for voicemail altogether. An after hours answering service will maximize your revenue from all of the customers who were just hanging up previously and save your staff the time from returning the voicemail calls.
After Hours Answering Service from TeleRep
TeleRep knows how important live chat and call center services are to your business. We are well known for our professionalism and excellent customer service when dealing with your valued customers. Let your customers know you care, right now, with live chat services. To learn how TeleRep can help set your business apart, contact us online or give us a call at 1-800-638-2000. To see more examples of what we’ve done, follow us on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.