It is completely okay and normal to be anxious when making a cold call!
It can be nerve-wracking to call people with no idea who they are and how they are going to respond. It can be especially unnerving when you are tying to sell people something because you already know that isn’t the first thing people look forward to. Cold calling is something that takes some getting used to, but it is okay to be nervous. Here are some ways to get over your anxiety when making a cold call.
Don’t Ignore It
As mentioned before, it is completely okay and normal to be nervous when making a cold call. If you ignore the feeling, it will only make it more challenging to deal with. It helps to acknowledge the feeling that you are having. Take the time to ask yourself what is the worst thing that can happen. The answer is probably rejection or getting hung up on. While this may be uncomfortable, just remind yourself that you never have to hear from that person again and they will never know who you are. If you address these feelings, that will give you the power to overcome your anxiety.
Build Your Script
You don’t want to read word for word directly from the script because it will be apparent to the person on the other end of the call. It is good to practice your script and come up with different ways to make it your own. You want to keep it short, attention-grabbing, and personable. Practicing your script a few times before making the cold call will help you get more comfortable in what you are saying and rid of some of those nerves.
Keep The Attention On The Caller
It can be uncomfortable to talk about yourself to a stranger. Luckily, when you are making a cold call, you don’t have to do. You should focus the attention on the caller. Some people enjoy talking about themselves and that will make the call more casual and easier to finish. Keep the focus on what the person is looking for and how your product can fit their needs. This not only helps you with your anxiety, but it makes for good customer service.
Be Yourself
When making a cold call, do not try to force yourself to be talkative and outgoing if that is not how you are. If you are genuine, it is more likely to show through to the person on the other end of the call. Just be yourself and that will make the conversation flow more naturally. It will also help rid of some of that anxiety if you are not stressed about making yourself seem different than you are.
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TeleRep knows how important live chat, call center services, and alarm monitoring are to your business. We are well known for our professionalism and excellent customer service when dealing with your valued customers. Let your customers know you care, right now, with live chat services. To learn how TeleRep can help set your business apart, contact us online or give us a call at 1-800-638-2000. To see more examples of what we’ve done, follow us on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.