Many businesses find the cost of outsourcing to an answering service is worth not being distracted by phone calls.
Dealing with the constant phone ringing can be both a blessing (if it means business is busy) and a curse (if you must constantly stop what you’re doing to answer the phone). Many businesses find that the cost of outsourcing this work to a call center business is well worth the time they save by not being pulled out of their work by phone. Well, letting the phone go to voicemail is certainly another solution to the problem of it pulling you out of your work. It doesn’t make for a very good impression or experience for your customer. Choosing to employ call center services is a better option. Read on for great tips for looking for and asking about as you search for the right answering services for your business.
What Are Their Hours?
Do they keep the hours necessary for your business? This is easier if your business is simply an office keeping normal office hours. On the other hand, if you often receive after-hours or emergency calls, you need an answering service that will answer at all hours.
Do They Have Bilingual Agents?
If you are likely to need agents who can communicate with non-native speakers, having bilingual agents is a a must. Even if you’re not expecting these types of calls, having the ability to answer them if they do come through can be the difference between making a new client and not.
Do They Do Outbound Calling?
You may benefit from a service that makes outbound calls for several reasons. The most common type of outbound calling (aside from sales and marketing calls) is appointment reminders. A call service that can handle these calls is incredibly helpful in keeping you off the phone and focused on what you should be doing.
What Is Their Reputation?
When you’re asking around for different call center services, make sure to take note about how people talk about them. Are they professional, engaging, and efficient? Is there a downside to them? Having a super cheap service that doesn’t provide good customer service is not a good solution. Ask about how the agents were to work with, how their paperwork aspects are handled, or how they deal with angry callers. Getting a sense of the company’s reputation is the first thing you should do before setting on a choice.
What Is Their Pricing Structure?
Finally, the service cost will certainly be a major deciding factor, but don’t let the bottom line cost me the only thing you consider. You have to make sure that you’re comparing equal services, and you should also look out for pricing structures that are unnecessarily complicated. It’s super complicated there’s likely places for there to be hidden costs that you can’t anticipate. Look for a simple pricing structure that you understand makes sense to you.
Contact TeleRep Today!
If you are ready to install a call center service for your business, TeleRep is here to help. If you still have more questions, our trained professionals are ready to answer them. We know how important customer feedback is to you and your business, so let them know that you care with an answering service. To learn how TeleRep can help you today, visit us online or give us a call at 1-800-638-2000. To keep up with our work and to see what we have been up to, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.